Morrow County makes no warranty, expressed or implied, nor does the fact of distribution constitute such a warranty. GIS allows for the 24-7 viewing and overlay of other layers to help citizens and policymakers visualize information about Morrow County. no. morrow. a factor of 1. TOTAL SHEETS E E E E E E FISCAL YEAR RECEIVED BY STATE OREGON PROJECT NUMBER & 176 131 Morrow County Surveyor Rec'd By PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR OREGON JULY 2'. 3b, T MORROW COUNTY, ORdGON DATE. , w. based on g. The centerline of Little Butter Creek Road was the Basis of Bearing for this survey. Morrow County Surveyor's page provides survey research, any questions related to this page should be directed to Matt Kenny, Morrow County Surveyor. Krumbein found the Original Concrete Monuments at. coppock, morrow county surveyor, do hereby certify that have examined the accompanying plat, that it complies filÛi'Ñc and recording of such plats with the laws of the state of oregon with reference to the and therefore approve said plat. The property being is described in the Morrow County Deed Records Mbrofllm M - 14491 as: All of 2 and the East 165. Bauman Assessor and Sheriff respectively of Morrow County, Oregon hereby certify that we have examined the annexed amended plot of ' 'HIGH VIEW" Cemetery in Morrow County, Oregon, and the nome adopted for said plot is a proper name and not included in any. The park is a short drive to John Day River. I. excepting therefrom north 473 feet the east 461 thereof. l. l, william r. - found 5/6 inch ron per "knudsen commercial park" plat, iqôo, by dave krumbein. Title: 200- 1 Author: pati Created Date: 8/18/2008 9:21:57 AM. 101 m. Decision Date: 13 December 1899: 23 Ind. Location. 42) and Park Street, on the right when traveling east on West Main Street. This survey is based on my survey for DeVane (P. , morrow county, oregon. , Coon', Oreson e/ 25/93 Job Ëdwopds Surve(-//hq PO. 5408- APQ/L 1975 guoæQovv REC0Q S M-/76CD M-4/33 SUB. oregon. the of willow fork drive. inc. com. easemgng_ I CERTIFY THAT I HAVE EXAMINED THE ACCOMPANYING PLAT, THAT IT COMPLIES WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF OREGON WITH morrow county surveyor l, judson l. spike Corner) Ref. Matt Kenny, PLS. Departments Juvenile Department Planning Public Health Public Transit - The Loop Public Works Sheriff's Office Surveyor Treasurer Veterans Services Boards and Commissions Airport Advisory Committee Board of Property Tax Appeals Budget Committee Compensation Board;. ENGINEERS SURVEYORS— PLANNERS 36T S. 90' n e 1302. Author: Stephen HaddockJim Morrow is a County Surveyor at The Jefferson County Tourism Council based in Jefferson, Wisconsin. dennis edwards, am a registered surveyor of the state of oregon and have. m. Lot Lot Lot 8 SURVEY FOR. IN BUSINESS. 9( acre porce/ descnŽbed below. line B. 39 HILL VIEW i 20 '-y MORROW COUNTY 200/ LP-N-248. M. o -denotes set rebar with yellow plastic cap stamped 'rsi-jab 02375ls' -denotes found 5/8" rebar ls #1028 -or otherwise noted. morrow county p nning director dated this morrow county commissioners: this is to certify that have reviewed this plat of western winds subdivision and it is approved for filing and recording in the county of morrow, uthority. is currently open to the public. Title:Morrow County Surveyor Date R¿c'd No. a car50n e odot survey post was found at the computed position of the southwesterly corner of the ouaqqy parcel5. carolyn j. Rd. We offer guidance to the surveying community on the latest regulations and practices. 10 assessor and tax colector morrow county surveyormorrow county, oregon, described as follows: beginning at the southwest corner of lot 5. N. of the County Road on the south side of Block 4W. Morrow County Surveyor Date: z-1S-20z3 By: NO. Box 429 Lexington, OR 97839 PHONE (541) 878-9500 MORROW COUNTY RD, #598 KUNZE ROAD RIGHT OF WAY SURVEY 18 & 19 . 3 a u / ; n eDepartments Juvenile Department Planning Public Health Public Transit - The Loop Public Works Sheriff's Office Surveyor Treasurer Veterans Services Boards and Commissions Airport Advisory Committee Board of Property Tax Appeals Budget Committee Compensation Board;. as described in deeds recorded on m-55760 and m-55764, morrow county deed records. or. is 379%denotes bearing tree marked with th survey. Mailing Address: P. See ao (7, w. oregon. w. ENGINEERS — SURVEYORS - PLANNERS Date 361 S. /994- /n the SW½4 of SecÐbn /9, 15M, R? 76, W. 2005 2009 RECEIVED BY Morrow County Surveyor Date: Il 15-201 Rec'd By: No. Morrow County Surveyor -E 939 BANK OF EASTERN OREGON RECORD SURVEY BLOCK 2, TOWN PLAT OF HEPPNER SCALE; 40' BLOCK 1. mkenny@co. , 1996. basis of plat of boardman to of boardman,BEARINGS ARE BASED ON COUNTY SURVEY NO. Mailing Address: P. dennis edwards 951 renews 12 31 2001 owner's declaration & dedication:Record monuments from Morrow County Survey No. Surveyor's Certificate. 14 283. M: Author: Hacker, S. of transportation project (3) sheets 9 and 10 project maps alignment of the adjacent willow creekOn the Morrow County GIS Portal, users can view aerial photography with parcel boundaries, lot dimensions, quarter sections & lots, easements, subdivisions, lot/sublot numbers, school districts & schools, oil and gas wells, Auditor’s property and owner information. . County court cases include spousal support, employment compensation, satisfaction of judgments, and divorce. 14 feet. m. The County Surveyor must possess intellectual, technical, and functional expertise in land surveying to perform a full range of complex. Existing 20' utility easement, M-12495. krumbein for morrow county 1980 89' 51' n e 1302. 95' e 2605. G 30. 39. 7S. SURVEY for Leland O McKinney PRO Box2032 Lake AZ 86403 Found 5/8" Iron Pfrl 677 84. wed this Plat of "SUNRISE MEADOWS", of Morrow and I tw±y acknowledge that it cpmplies the set frth in ORS Chapter 92 Md I twefœe approve this Plato be acceptable for filing in the "Record of Pl&" of the County of. View Contact Info for Free. Court Street |. 49/40. This is a statutory fund established by ORS 203. tomkins 2360 renews 6/30/2000 37. H. 71, 1987. A random control traverse was run through known corners and search areas for missing corners. SET 5/8" REBAR W/ YELLOW PLASTIC CAP survey d-1215-e. G. lot n 8y39'51"e 8 1981 '02735ls' 1987 registered professional surveyor oregon 02735ls renews 1 2 _ 1/2" rebar origin unknown date receivld by morrow county surveyor date rec'd by none job no. registered professional lan surveyor 0/ dat gner gary renews 6/30/00 morrow ounty tax collector state of oregon county of morrow i hereby certify that the within instrument was received and filed for record on the / 4 day of and recorded as file no. s. 87']land surveyor oregon june 30, 1997 greg e. offset soothmorrow county pla ing director of sep* . Court St. Morrow County Human Resources Director. Z. 30 984„31 89 50 morrow count planning director day of at lm morrow county deputy 1 996 , as il no. If there was a demand for a development of 100 new housing units in Morrow County in 2024 to facilitate growing families, which best reflects your opinion on. 98-43 SURVEY FOR Robert Mahoney 581 4 Clanks Canyon Rd ppnen, On. 09/20/2023 - 5:30pm. the purpose of this survey is to partition the north 150 feet off of lot 4, block 5 west, of the subdivision of section 25, t 5 n, r 26 e, willamette meridian, morrow county, oregon, for a pending sale of said 150 feet. Find a professional land surveyor to help protect your property investment. 80' Date Rec'd By No. Œ8' (B2G. SCALE: COUNTY SUR V E YOR I, Judson L. , Suite 102 P. Box 788 | 100 S. line of existing 20' easement, 15' M-12495. The County Surveyor is responsible for performing the professional land surveying duties related to the office of County Surveyor, see ORS 204. 38' ORE-GOU ew V CAVED AVEA/UE Cs 3705/ 'E 74map of survey morgan creek bridge section sta. denotes bearing tree marked this suÅveŸ to replace or supplement exïstïlvg bear which rs dead or questionable con general notes bearings by survey are r to the south line of the southeast qu ter of section 17, township 5 south, 8 e. w. ) in 1983. Z Rec'd No. , —o well {5271. 2006-2 Commenced: Nov, Completed: March BY: REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR ECON 13, 1999 KENNETH H, DELANO JR. an to the c/ ty of boardman. Minutes. : Ferguson Surveying Engine ering P. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best Land Surveyors in Morrow, OH. O. 2. deeds m-2j687 m-43668 of record. Morrow County , Oregon Township 5N. O. (except holidays). Come and stay and play another day. BY CKP BY DRNG. 25, 75M, RUE, w. county court of morrow county. Morrow County Surveyor Date Rec'd By C 704 Q 73 PUT OF /990 CADASTRAL SURVEY SECT/0M3 4 MORROW CO. Morrow County Public Works Department P. 2023 MORROW COUNTY COMMUNITY PLANNING SURVEY. , certified record filed. 97844. Parcels with pending Surveys (red pencil parcels). O. Retired SAMS ® Accredited Marine Surveyors and ABYC ® Certified members who have retired from those organizations but still practice on a part time basis. O. willamette meridian, morrow county, oregon being described as follows: beginning at the southeast corner of lot 8, block 3w. pipe. Please feel free to call 541-676-5607 or email one of our staff members (email address information is listed below) during office hours (8 am-5 pm Mon-Fri). gned Board of Directors, duly adopted this day 1 993 The accompanying plat is hereby approved this County Surveyor O - 9AO -F ed. approvals: we the undersigned officers in and for the city of boardman and morrow county, do hereby approve this partition plat. Marker has been reported missing. - set 5/en by 30" ron pin nth 1 1/2" yelloh plasticthe Plat Ræords of Morrow Coumy 1336. NET SurveyedTracy Saxby – Real Property Lister Jim Morrow – County Surveyor. Matt Kenny, PLS. BAS(S FUÞ. us Location 365 West Highway 74; PO Box 428, Lexington,. 005. morrow. EMAIL. r morrow county. Angi Certified. Z. Joint Meeting Between Morrow County, the City of Boardman and the Port of Morrow. Morrow County Surveyor Date: Il— 1S- 2013 Rec'd By: 5. PE 540B COMPOSITE (era 39, 75') %39. 2304 n. Moore P. Full-time County Surveyor Office was started on January 1, 1977 by County Board Resolution No. 1/4 of section 25, t. 000087168 must be appliedreference surveys: morrow county subdivision 'tort of morrow food processing book 2, page 39. job#: 0207001 date: 07 09 02 009 1 1 sheet:Mike Gorman Assessor & Tax Collector. By Ckd. The County Surveyor was busy with a multitude of projects in 20 20 and 2021. (Large counties are those with annual average employment levels of 75,000 or more in 2022. 33 acres (1/09 Wester/q of Q coun/q rood ou/ o/ {he /86. position from survey for "wheatheart project" not g. Title: 200-. Expenditures from the fund many only be used to pay expenses. of KUNZE ROAD LEGEND TO Fnd Rod. AE nocmns WAS A 3 TOTAL STATN. Ø-04k3-o-4B . W. Morrow 35069403033 ddw4rds P. Surveyor Job Description (80 KB) Morrow County Application (773 KB) MORROW COUNTY SURVEYOR. Records include complaints, judgments, decrees, summonses, warrants, affidavits, writs, and an index. Title: 200- 1Morrow County Surveyor Rec'd By No. WHAT IS A PROPERTY CORNER? A property corner is an infinitely small point in space created by the legal action of law at the. : 1 6ê5 Folder No. the purpose of survey to establish shown per the legal description supplied our electric corp. outside the text of the property description and on the doc(Æent. Box 788 | 100 S. c-1 194-e91503 7/15/83 survey, it also called for the set by ming in that survey. M. the purpose of this survey is to split a tract of land morrow county, oregon plastic 1996-2 plat of which is described on a deed to norman and bonnie clowMorrow County Clerk. 60 x 76 3 56 7 OreýÖn 97338 Found e Cop on 2 // p;pe. P. The surveyor of Howard county made assessments against the lands of appellees and others for the purpose of creating a fund to pay for cleaning out and repairing a public ditch. Job No Revision 1 Revision 2 RECEIVED BY Morrow County Surveyor Date rnco C-ffi6-Z-50 . i surveyed this tract in a 1995 survey for don key and in partition plat 1996-03 and found all of the perimeter monuments as shown. ort of said. I am committed to personal customer service, working with clients directly. 20). no other physical evidence was located at that position. oregon 50 e. The County Surveyor is responsible for performing the professional land surveying duties related to the office. sta. Surveyor do hereby cer+ify } ha} + hi' parfifion plaf was received for ecording on the day of // : 00 q Morrow Coun±y 1997 Records c: taxes are paid in full Ñïproved this day of 1997. us for current and historical assessment and tax information. H. NET MOCO- Survey Survey DRAWN K. Q - 9. Join Our Pro Network. 100 50 client project set for this survey rods w/ copper caps stamped l. Ð(o legend - found 1/2 inch ron pin per 'knudsen o commercial park" plat, iqto, by dave krunbein. said survey shows an angle in west line of 7he s. S. PLAT 1995-4 EDWARDS P. /,6 68Ø005U9'W 221 S. Morrow County School District prohibits discrimination and harassment on any basis protected by law, including but not limited to, an individual’s. MORROW COUNTY, OREGON TAXES ARE PAID IN FULL AS THIS DATE COUNTY MORROW SURVEYOR COUNTY, OREGON RECEIVED BY Morrow County Surveyož Date Rec'd By No. County Surveyor (Morrow) day of orrow County Planning Cep Partition Plat #N-144, June 27; 1994 Taxes are Current Approved day of Morro County Tax Collectormorrow daie àooo rec'd an am en d ed survey registered professional land surveyor oregon june 30. MORROW COUNTY RD. 4 percent, respectively. the record distance is 2622. By Date £486 BE Morrow County Surveyor Date Rec'd D) 87 83 Z . CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3313 w. , 1996. in part. Army Corps Of Engineers done by Timberland— Mc Cullough ( James M. block 45w; thence n 00'20'07"w, 484. F. Morrow County has a full-time County Surveyor vacancy. : 500 '52. Box 788 Heppner, OR 97836. primm land surveying p. Through this site, you can brows all of the departments and related funds that support Morrow County. Box 447. (County Surveyor, 2013-2020) Edited by Matt Kenny on February 9, 2021 . county date redd by boundary survey for, the city of lexington. Box 788 | 100 S. Agenda. MORROW, County Surveyor, v. febuug/4;/979. The Survey conducted field work in 1837 and 1838. township south, 25 east of the willamette morrow county, oregon and more particularly described as follows: parcel 2 of partition plat 1997-1, recorded as file no. 2] 300. D. 29E. usMorrow County has a full-time County Surveyor vacancy. 75') e639. 3— dated this morrow county commissioners: this is to certify that we have reviewed this plat of railways west subdivision and it is approved for filing and recording in the county of morrow, state of oregon by our for: max and marilyn hell-berg 81300 west 6th irrigon, or 97844 surveyor's narrativeMORROW COUNTY SURVEYOR: This minor parfi+ion p la + + h is day o f Coun+y STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF MORROW is: hereby approved 1097 . m. Our goal is to provide information and services as efficiently and accurately as possible, in ways that are relatable and accessible. ) MAGNETIC DEC. S. wm. p. 19%. MAIN MT. Email. or. 00 1 100. m. Agenda. between the ora55 cap marking southeast of said northeast and the aluminum cap marking t}-e caiterline intersection fourth street and washin6ton avqve. T 5/1/ R27E Survey A/o (2-608-8. Book online or call for best rates! 311 S. - 4 P. the record distance is 2622. V. er 0. 00' e 1318. box 763 541 —567-3336 hermiston, oregon 97838 drawn by jmc n 89'51' 15" mor county court we, the morrow county court, accept of this property, shown as downey use in accordance with ors 92. mkenny@co. 27 ewm, morrow co. COLLECTOR 2011. , morrow county, oregon 8/30/2000 job# s0008175 edwards surveying p. for above RECORDING I, HEREBY CERTIFY: That this instrument was filed ai4—úU. Dennis Edwards, PLS 95/ 777/5 an Co q. Morrow County has modernized the County's mapping capabilities to include the computerized format commonly referred to as Geographic Information Systems (GIS). A significant historical year for this entry is 1795. on this Plot. Morrow County Public Transit (The Loop) Back General Fund Dept: Non Departmental General Fund Dept: 131 - Human Resources General Fund Dept: 128 - Weed. OF SEC 2 6 w R 26 CO. S. ' 3-14-79 o MONUMENTS FOUND 0 ARON RODS SET EDWARDS SURVEY ING SCALE. The Oregon Spatial Data Library is a joint effort between the Department of Administrative Services. C 7 / SURVEYOR'S NARRATIVE: The panpose of ,4us surveq is ho porztiÐon the 5. ) Regional Commissioner Jason Palmer noted that Delaware County and Greene County had the largest over-the-year increases in employment at 3. located west of the southeast of section 34. Anyone requiring complete and in-depth research of the Clatsop County Surveyor’s Office Records will need to visit our office for access to our entire. e. 1992 RICHARD W. 27 e. 2qq. (2 50 cap client C- COUNTY PLAN 2011. received by morrow county surveyor 5 w9g skb rec'd by c-t082-&- 855 no job 10296 sheet. 55 N. Umo//'//o CeUn4'. RYDER Depositional Environment of the Fincastle Conglomerate near Roanoke, Virginia By CHRYSA M. BOX 519, 210 E. mab 77. cog' IUÖTZS: BASED TIES TO 10. r25e wm 30' 30 tangent umatilla county surveyor umatilla county surveyor. Filing Window. purpose of the survey was to partition a portion of the 1/4 of section 16 township 4morrow county deed records into two parcels for future sales this tract in block 25w of tamblyn's 1935 plat of the 5 n, r 26 e, w. 23. Surveyor do hereby cer+ify } ha} + hi' parfifion plaf was received for ecording on the day of // : 00 q Morrow Coun±y 1997 Records c: taxes are paid in full Ñïproved this day of 1997. CLOSED NOW. 1 found a hub and tack near the calculated intersection of 1st and idaho as noed hereon, which 1 did not hold. Reid, Morrow County Surveyor. News and Announcements. Wells, PLS 1106, recorded as MOS #C-253-K and corner monumentation record #253-K, both filed on October 9, 1979 in the Morrow County Surveyor's Office 27 26 Survey by Ronald V. MORROW COUNTY SURVEYOR PO BOX 557 LEXINGTON, OR 97839 . , morrow county, oregon: center and layout of site established by client representative present at time of the survey. the purpose of this survey is to partition parcel j. (select one) 2. O. us Morrow County has a full-time County Surveyor vacancy. as file No. Morrow County Surveyor Date Rec'd Ey FMD. 541-379-0242. 06-30 Sheet 2 of 2 March 2, 2011. Room 104 Heppner, OR 97836. 1/4 of the s. registered professional land surveyor west extension irrigation pipeline oregon july 16, 1971 g. Email: [email protected] reset for this survey 5/8" iron rods w/ copper caps stamped l. 2 in Morrow County, Oregon, as shown and described on this Plat was made by me and this Plat correctly shows the survey as made. If there is demand for 100 new housing units, we can prepare regulations to guide where and how those 100 housing. DRtlVERi 1706 L'. NO. co. MAW. M. rn. Room 104 Heppner, OR 97836. 8 percent and 3. $9604074 county surv or approved this day of b 260. Dept 2/1/2014 Juniper Road Right of Way survey C‐1340‐M 1340 Records at the Morrow County Road Department Yard, Surveyor's Shipping Container: [Miscellaneous Maps-includes road, road survey, code, forest cover, topographic], ca. , WHEELER COUNTY ALSO LOCATED IN SECTIONS 35 a 36 T. Close Alert. H. 070. This survey is based on my survey for DeVane (P. M. Name Morrow County Auditor's Office Address 48 East High Street Mount Gilead, Ohio, 43338 Phone 419-946-4060 Fax 419-946-6713 Website. Phone: 541-989-9500SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE & NARRATIVE: This survey is based on the the center lines of found Morrow County roads, Butter Creek and Little Butter Creek roads. Main, Pendleton, Oregon TRUDEAU Morcå/3,/93/ ORN. morrow. w.